Saturday, September 7, 2013

The Call...

It's been a long while since I felt compelled to post.  Early on in this blog I determined I'd only post when I felt inspired, today I'm inspired.

This guitar has special significance, I took the photo several years back at a service we were gathered at, a young man led worship using this very guitar.

Several years back my husband had been given a gift of being sponsored to attend an all men's event by a very special friend of ours, a young man name Mike.  I don't recall what the event was called, but something like "Jesus Connection".  It was an intensive get away where men bonded, where men came closer to God, where men celebrated the direction their lives were going in...where men received letters of love written from all the close friends and family members in their lives and were told why they loved them. 

Those letters would be read by each man in the privacy of themselves.  My husband received countless letters that blew him away, he had no idea that people had done this for him, he had no idea how much people truly cared about him.  Two of those letters would come from his parents.  He would read for the first time in his life the depth of the love they had for him...and those words would change his life forever.  God used Mike in my husband's life that made a tremendous difference and impact.

Today, we pray for Mike and his family.  Mike and his family are on the very journey that my Beloved and I found ourselves on nearly 12 years ago when I got that first call.  The call that said he was not coming home, and there was someone else in his life.  This week Mike made a similar call to his wife, I received a call from her heartbroken, in shock, and paralyzed emotionally about what to do next.  I remembered, too well,  "exactly" what she was feeling. I began to share the very same things that got me through that first day...and the days after until he returned home that helped me...that helped our children.  It was a Miracle that I had in my life and marriage that would unfold after my own call, and I live in that miracle every day (husband returned and our marriage restored) and don't take it for granted one bit.  

So now I do what I did back then, I pray...but this time for this friend named Mike and his lovely and loyal wife...and we wait for his return.  I put my trust in God and I have Hope for him and his their marriage can be restored as well, I Hope for their Miracle, and I "TRUST" God for their Miracle!

We don't have any security in this life, with the exception of knowing there is only ONE person that will never fail us or forsake us, and that person is Jesus Christ.  Outside of Him, our hearts will always be at risk of being broken.  But the Good News is that when our hearts are broken in this life, there is ONE that can and "will" pick up the pieces for us and put our hearts back together again.  

I love this family as if they were my own children, and my heart aches that they are walking down this road, but I'm "Encouraged" that they are not alone, and they are in GOOD hands, the hands of our Heavenly Father.  

Staying in the Day has gotten easier over the years, some days can still be a challenge...but I'm reminded by God's Word that I am not to worry about tomorrow, for it will take care of itself.  And by my Staying in the Day....I am learning to TRUST HIM for my portion!  

Love & Prayers to my precious friends.....True Love covers a multitude of sin....
~CC Catherine

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