Thursday, June 24, 2010

Being Silent amidst the Busyness ~ Is a Lost Art...

Photography by ~CC
In the year of 1993 I bought myself a journal.
The inscription I wrote in the front goes like this:
" A Gift from me to me ~ to learn how to be silent amidst the times of my learn to be obedient when I hear Him calling to my heart"
Hmm...I love finding things I've written in past years like this~ It makes me realize that 17 years later I'm still working on doing my best to be silent amidst the busyness and being obedient when I hear Him calling to my heart! Life sometimes is like that, isn't it? Growth doesn't always happen overnight, but it's a "life long process". I certainly haven't arrived, but it's nice to know that I'm still working at improving my game!
Sighing a fresh breath of relief today, because I've Stayed In The Day!
How about you?
The Victorian style home that I've shown in the picture above was taken in a lovely little college town in Davidson, NC. There was something magnificent about the architecture of it. I love photographing old homes. They provoke me to think about the people that inhabited them over the years and the thousands of conversations that had to have taken place over it's lifetime ~ I'm guessing many times their prayers could have been the same as mine back in 1993.
Be a Blessing to someone today!

1 comment:

Julie said...

I like that about old homes too. We had a home built in 1907 that I just loved. When we tore up the linoleum in the kitchen there were old tiles beneath and right by the counter the tiles were worn in a cirlce. I remember thinking that someone stood there for many hours baking or rolling pastry on the counter and the floor proved it.
LIfe is like a big circle.

I am still learning too. It's taking a while but I am so much more compasionate and extremely sentimental. I wish I could go back and not make such a big deal about some things in my life - but alas... the lesson would be lost.

Your welcome for the little prezzies. We girls always like surprises. Love you muchly too.
