Sunday, October 28, 2007

A Blue Sky Is Like A Paris View To Me....

Photography by ~CC
Something light to help you Stay in the Day! I took this photo during my spring trip to my Mother's in PA. My mother is a painter and I thought this would be a great picture to inspire her. There's something about the aqua blue sky as a backdrop for any picture, I love it!
Gazing at this photo reminds me of the great things I loved doing in my childhood. Growing up in the heart of the country and not having parks nearby gave me many reasons for finding the "simple" things in life for recreation. Picking up pine cones in a bag, making mud pies, and chasing lightening bugs and putting them in a glass jar seemed like a trip to Paris for me back then.
These things don't quite have the same affect on me today, but one thing that does is looking at a bright blue sky. Whether it's all blue or dawning an outfit of wispy white cotton clouds, it's my Paris view.
When life seems really heavy, no matter what the cause, the sight of the sky has a way of calming my soul. Today I wanted to share the calm with you!
"Staying in the Day" with a Paris view....

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