Friday, February 1, 2008

© Cherish Today...Stay In The Moment...Life is Precious

© Photography by ~CC
Today's blog entry is dedicated to my two grandchildren that reside in heaven, one as recent as 1/31/2008. Though never cradled in my arms, neither the arms of their parents, they will forever be remembered in our hearts and our minds as our little precious Jewels that we will one day meet face to face in heaven. Until then........we will cherish today, stay in the moment, and appreciate life, because it is precious. My daughter, mother of one of these grandchildren, wrote this poem nearly 20 years ago when she was just 13. Amazing how when I read it now that it speaks to me of my Jewels in heaven, and that God is the one who holds them in his arms.

Poem: "I sit on my patio, early in the morning. Sunlight shines gently overlooking the Seine, across my face and falls on her. The blanket stirs gently and the tiny bundle moves. A small wimper and a rustling movement, two small eyes squint in the light. The Jewel I now hold yawns and stretches gently in my arms. Her frailness and beauty consume me like a candle flame consumes a dark room. A bird sings to nature's late waking, for the night before she greeted them. Kings have kingdoms and merchants their ships, but the richest in all the world is I who hold the Jewel."
This same daughter spoke yesterday of how much we need to appreciate each day, each moment with those we love. Her words pierced my soul, I knew what she meant. I identify with how easy it is to go through life and feel "caught up" by yesterday, or burdened by what may come tomorrow that we can easily miss the precious things in our "today". This morning I sat by my bedroom fireplace with my Grandma's antique lights on the mantel. As I prayed and enjoyed the moment alone with God, he reminded me that my Grandma was there in heaven to greet my precious Jewel yesterday. He reminded me that what my Grandma once told me is very true, "Heaven is like a family reunion, and I'll get to see all the people I love when I get to take my trip".
Cherish today, Stay In The Moment, Life is Precious...... I will love like there is no tomorrow, and I will appreciate each breath that I take. Make today count... ~CC
Psalm 39:7 7 "But now, Lord, what do I look for? My hope is in you.

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