I still remember when my girlfriend warned me I'd need glasses when I turned 40!
Not I, no...not I~ That was about (?) years ago! But ya know what, I love wearing glasses! Actually, about a month ago, I just got a new pair. You know, the yearly visit? I have good benefits so I can get another pair and hardly pay a cent, seemed worthy to take advantage of it. No more conservative black frames for me. (Nothing personal Sarah
Palin, I love yours!) SO...I told the young
assistant that I wanted; no...
needed something "out of my comfort zone". I wanted to STRETCH my personality. I stretched it alright, and I love em! They are a combination of hot red like pink..with a black stripe. I can't explain, so I'll have to take some good pics and share them with you later today. I'm
tellin you, they're HOT! (
I've been extremely conservative all my life in the way I dress, probably even in the way I decorate. Slowly but surely, I'm
peeling out of my shell! It's going to be interesting to see who I grow up to be......and how I will look once I've totally arrived! Somehow I see me at 80 laying on the
gurney in the hospital still planning on whether I need eye surgery to take up the fatty tissue on the top of my eye lids so I look younger. No, I've not had any surgery to "
youth-anize" me! ha! I want to "Live" as if I were dieing, and surgery isn't part of that plan in my lifetime!
Just like the blurred vision (intentional) of the lovely pic I took of my oranges, I want to mature naturally. I want to embrace every wrinkle I earn! I want my grandchildren to see that it's wonderful to earn the "stripes" of life with dignity~ Gracefully growing up is so much easier at this age than when I was in my teens~ I'm sure I'd get some "nods" on that one.
Well, gotta run, gotta go get my glasses & take pics so you can see why I "went out on a limb" and bought them~ Remember, "Staying In The Day" doesn't have to look like this pic, all blurry and fuzzy. Get the glasses, and get a funky pair~ And, if you've always been the funky type...go conservative for a change, Sarah won't mind~ 8=) And if you don't need glasses, buy a pair anyway~ ha! No, I don't have stock in
vision ware products! (wink, wink)
Staying In The Day with perfect vision, as long as I've got my funky Pink/Black glasses on... No, I don't need them for everything, just driving and watching a movie! ~CC
I found your blog while searching for Emilie Barnes. I love reading things from her. I enjoyed visiting your blog. Happy New Year.
Glasses!!! LOL!!!
I began having some vision issues about 9 years ago. Made it past 50!!! Since I have allergies, I hate having anything on my nose, so glasses were not a consideration...so I wear contacts. I love 'em. About a year ago, the doctor suggested I get a pair of glasses, in the event I would ever NOT be able to wear my contacts. Tried them...for almost 3 weeks...and couldn't see a dang thing!!! Returned them for a refund and only wear contacts!
I told you!(LOL)\xo
Ok my friend. I have been reading for awhile. My eyes are a little blurry from all your beautiful writing. How do you do it? You really should write a book you know. I can't comment on most posts but I can surely comment on this one.
I am soooo glad that things are going the way you want them to go. I'm also very glad to see that you have "come out of your shell" I didn't know the old CC but, I have to tell you that I LOVE the NEW ONE. It's all about timing isn't it CC???
Love You
Did you see your beautiful face on my front page? I think your beautiful. Your my featured site AGAIN!!!
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