Monday, January 5, 2009

Sometimes It's Easy To Get Lost In The Midst Of Everything That's Going On....

Point In Case: Allie, my Granddaughter Toy Yorkie, nestled in my new Christmas Gift from Kathleen, a luscious animal print throw.
It's hard to know where the throw ends and Allie begins...
A New Year can sometimes make one feel like that, somehow lost in the midst of things! I have found that starting off the New Year with determination to "avoid" the pitfalls of the norm help tremendously! The norm.....hmmm, what might that be? Oh, you might say it's the traditional set of New Years resolutions we set out to make and fail to achieve. Nah, been there and done that. Last year I tried something new and loved it! My husband and I both went away for a Valentine weekend at a B&B and worked hard to create our Mission Statements for the year. A Mission Statement is much different than a resolution because it requires you put things down on paper as to how you will actually achieve what it is that you are wanting to accomplish.
For example, I wanted to get in shape last year by exercising. I wrote this fabulous paragraph on how I would achieve my goal of getting in shape physically by walking and lifting weights. I have to laugh now when I look back and read it, since I never actually lifted weights the entire year. But, I also have to give myself credit, as I did achieve my goal of getting in shape instead by joining Curves and being committed to getting in shape by exercising 3-4x's weekly. Before the year closed out, I had achieved the goal I'd set, regardless of whether I lifted a weight or not. My ultimate goal (getting in shape) had been met by simply reading the Mission Statement over and over throughout the year as it hung on my wall. It drove me to accomplish my Mission.
I need to update my Mission Statement for this year, because I have new and exciting things I want to add to it. If you want some inspiration on what to read so you can create a Mission Statement for yourself this year, pick up Tommy Newberry's book called "Success IS Not an Accident". It's a very riveting book that creates excitement and motivation to grow as an individual. Whether you're single, married, or newly single again; personal development and growth is critical in living a happy, healthy, and fulfilled life. Tommy's book is a great way to start the New Year! A matter of fact, I'm going to read his book all over again, just to get the full impact of getting inspired for 2009!
Working to "Stay In The Day positively" with you this year! ~CC

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