Today is Hopeful Friday, hosted by
Cielo at "
House in the Roses". Please be sure you drop by
Cielo's to see
every ones Hopeful Friday share after you've visited a while!
"The one who walks through a countryside sees much more than the one who runs."
I love that verse! It really reminds me to take heart to stop, be present, and savor the moment I'm in...regardless if it's a huge moment or not... Listening to the wind outside my window right now is a "big" thing...if I just listen...
Today my Hopeful Friday post is about a dream I share with my husband...
The teacup is one from my collection. I purchased it on one of my travels to New Zealand about 10 years ago. It holds many precious memories, and it inspires me to believe that with "Hope", all things are possible!
This outdoor rustic picnic area is a unique place of rest in a very old's part of our dream...

The dream of Hope extends further in the garden...and an outdoor fireplace is preparing to warm the unknown guests that should bask in her presence...

And the Hopes and Dreams of a large old historic home(like this one) where we can devote our lives to enriching others in Marriage Restoration begins to build, and build, and build....

Little by little the foundation is coming along in our our minds...and it's all a matter of time before we see what God does to provide what we envision ourselves doing some day.
Someday, our Hope is to have a safe place for couples to come to when their marriage is in crisis. It won't be a home that will provide counseling, and it won't be a home that will provide quick answers. It will be a haven of peace where a couple can come and learn how to breathe again...and where we can just "Love on them" at a time in their lives that they need it most. It will be a home where my husband & I will share our own journey of where and what God has rescued us from... It will be a place of rest for them, for however short of time they have. It will be a place where they'll be encouraged, to learn that couples can grow beyond tragedy, beyond infidelity, and beyond addictions...and that they can come out on the
other side a more fulfilled person, despite how they got there. Our Hope is to send them back home with a "Blueprint" of things to do in preparation for the long road to recovery. Our Hope is for them to see that with hard work and commitment, there marriages can survive, and even better...can flourish!
My Hopeful Friday share is a reminder for us all, that in time, "All things are Possible"
Don't forget to drop on over to Cielo's to join in visiting all others Hopeful Fridays!
Staying In The Day
What a beautiful dream, one that is so needed. Your post is beautiful filled with hope and lovely images leading you to hope.
Happy Hopeful Friday.
I hope your dream comes true~
Such a beautiful dream . . . a prayer . . . a gift to many, which brings a smile to God's face. I will pray with you about such a hopeful goal.
My husband and I needed a time of refreshment after our first 10years of marriage. A date night once a week began our repair. (A loving family member offered babysitting.) We never stopped loving each other -- we just became exhausted doing it and everything else our life demanded at that time in our life. Your dream place would have nurtured us in that delicate time.
God is so good -- we healed . . . better than ever. : D
Dear Lord . . . let it come true for those who seek healing under your wing.
[Thank you for a precious read on a day that I am just plain weary. Dreams lift the soul.]
What a lovely dream! I am sure it will come true one day. Happy Hopeful Friday.
God placed the desire of a refuge for struggling couples in your heart and I know He will fullfill
that desire! We serve such an awesome God!
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