Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Legacy Rings Through...As I laugh, I hear her voice

Today I am reminded of how much our legacy rings through into our daily lives.
This photo is of my Mother, Myra, and myself early last spring while taking her to enjoy her 75th birthday in Memphis, TN. We were there to enjoy something she loved most of her life, Elvis and his memory~

The trip there with my two sisters and mother were so much fun. And, while there, it was if Elvis had never died...and his legacy is very much alive there.

I see the same with my Mother and I the older I get. When I laugh, I hear her voice supernaturally as if it were her; when I reach out to help someone in need, I feel I'm walking in the shoes my mother has walked all her life in helping others; when I love on my grandchildren, she's with me as I repeat the songs she used to sing to me~I love you a bushel and peck, a bushel and a peck and a hug around the neck; and when I cook a meal for my family...her presence is with me when I remind myself that she says to never boil eggs more than 8 minutes or it will make the outside of the yolk turn green. Her legacy is alive through me....even while she's still with me~ And I'm so blessed!

I'm sure you have your own legacy you are continuing with those that are most precious to you...and I pray as you enjoy these moments of reflection that you will know that God in his infinite wisdom allows us to pass our good deeds on in life by mentoring our little ones while they are impressionable. As I continue to love spending time with the elderly, God reminds me that I learned it from my mother when she took me to visit the elderly with her when I was around 10-12 years old. She helped them make crafts...I was scared of them back then, but my mothers love to them made me feel safe and OK to love on them. Today I cherish spending time with the elderly and listening to their life stories....I am so blessed by their energy and recall of the most precious times of their life.

I pray you will be encouraged to pass your own legacy on.
"Stay in the Day" as you embrace what gifts you are giving to those you love in the way you are mentoring them~

Our actions today will produce results tomorrow in others~
Pray that you'll be a blessing to all that are around you!

Until then...
"The Joy of the Lord is Your Strength" ~ Nehemiah 8:10 NIV

1 comment:

Joy Tilton said...

How wonderful that you made that trip with your Mom and sisters. You are so right, we must live our lives to the fullest, embracing each day. Love your inspirational blog!