Sometimes Surprises Just Happen...and they are GOOD, and sometimes they're even GREAT!
The past two days have been great because one of the couples that were instrumental in our marital restoration in the early days dropped by for an overnight stay for two nights.
It's hard to believe that in January we will celebrate 10 years since we began this journey.
Check out "Live Side by Side" on Facebook. Dan & Nori Chesney, our dear friends and former Pastors that were visiting, now offer international marriage seminars and this is one way you can follow their ministry and maybe even get some good nuggets for yourself or a friend. Their home base is in England, and their hearts are to continue the fight for the restoration and healing for marriages all across the world.
10 years ago Dan & Nori reserved a Bed & Breakfast for us to spend an entire weekend away when my husband first returned home. They knew how critical it was for us to be alone and BE just with each other. Even if it meant us sleeping the entire two days we were away, which we pretty much did just from the mental and emotional exhaustion..they knew we needed this time together. That time was so important to us and certainly helped us to regain our footing to return home to begin the rebuilding process.
I was reminded of how far we've come as we sat with them last evening revisiting those first days...and also reminded of how GOD totally lit the path for us to find our way again. We were just obedient to follow His light...and we both learned so much about each other in the process; and a lot about ourselves at the same time. We learned about God's Grace, His Mercy, and His Forgiveness...
It's because of HIM (Our Heavenly Father) that our marriage continues to not only survive, but THRIVE. Yet He used people like Dan & Nori to help direct us in those early days.
We both Thank You Dan & Nori!
We Love You!
Staying In The Day...
~Catherine & her Beloved ~J
Anyone who helps save a marriage has my vote!
Great picture !
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