Along the way, my journey brought me to meet a great couple, Roger and Heather Thrower. One of the things their ministry focuses on is resting in "Hope Filled Moments" amidst the pressures and reality of life. I purchased their "A Hope Filled Moment" CD about four years ago. What a way to stay encouraged to stay in the present and to listen for God size peaceful moments. This is something I knew God intended me to learn, and this CD helped me to begin to apply it to my life.
Not only does listening to the CD help you to Stay In The Day, it encourages you in your day. I've added this resource to my ~CC recommends section on the blog for audio and book resources. I've also added the link to their ministry to make it easier for you to visit their website. I've made it real easy, I called the link, "A Hope Filled Moment".
Please treat yourself today, go to their website and order yourself a copy of this CD. I promise you, it's contagious! Not only will you love it for yourself, you're going to reorder 10 more for those you come across in your life that need Hope Filled Moments too. What do I get out of it if you purchase the CD? I get a big satisfaction to know you are working hard at Staying In the Day too~ That's payment enough!
Staying in the Day.... ~CC
I'm so inspired by this site! What you wrote about hiding the pain and stuffing it is so true. That pain has layers and stifles our true selves. In my yoga classes I do teach how to reconnect with your natural god-given breath. In life daily stresses cause our breathing to become layered and hides or stifles our natural breath. It takes time, patience and work to uncover your natural breath again. In much the same way it takes time to unravel all the layers of pain and get back to who God created us to be.
Thanks Vonnie!
I'm glad you shared what you did. Stress of anykind can become bondage to us. Learning to free ourselves of it is truly an Art to learn. I appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts. Keep them coming...
Amazing, I figured out how to reply to a comment so that my name shows appropriately. YES! There is hope for me yet! Stay in the Day Everybody!! =)
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