Tuesday, September 11, 2007


"If you have been walking with the Lord for some time and you suddenly feel as though your life has come to a halt, don't be alarmed. Most likely God is adjusting your way. Having God correct your course doesn't mean the one you are on is incorrect. But, it does mean that something needs to change to get you headed in the direction God wants to take you.

Let Him make the adjustment for you - Just be still...And, it doesn't matter how young or old you are -- As long as you are breathing, God will have new paths for you to take and exciting things for you to accomplish. TRUST HIM!" (Author Unknown)

~CC photographing a Dancing Pink Iris.
About the Snap: Note how the Iris has her one leg gracefully tucked up near her face? Art interpretation is always in the eye of the "Beholder". Just like we interpret what we see in this snapshot, God the Father interprets what HE sees in US! "Click"

Wow... I wish I could take credit for these words of "Powerful" encouragement. Someone sent it to me nearly 5 years to the day. During the early days of my journey, I shared it with a friend who found herself on the same pathway to recovery that I was on. It lifted her spirits as much as it did mine.

What "kind" thing have you done for yourself today? Most of the time, we find ourselves doing kind things for everyone around us and forget to take a special moment for us! Hmmm...What did I do kind for myself today? I wrote to two dear friends I haven't heard from in many long months. My only regret is that it was in "email" format and not "snail mail" format. There is something that takes place when you grab your cup of tea or coffee, curl up on a sofa with your pretty note cards or stationary and hand write a long letter to a loved one. I found a letter from my Grandma that was written in 1983 a few months back going through a box of memories. She passed away at 92 years of age a few years ago. Revisiting that letter brought her back to life for me in that very moment. That's why to me writing to two dear friends is a "kindness" to me. It's "making" the time to do something I've been wanting to do for a long time.

Now, you're next! Do something kind for yourself today! Share the kind thing you choose for yourself with us by leaving a comment on this posting today. Blogs aren't just for the blogger, they're for the reader as well! I'm praying for many readers to comment, I have a strong suspicion that God will open up much conversation amongst us to encourage one another as we journey on in Staying In The Day!
Philippians 2:13 For it is GOD who works in you to will and to act according to HIS good purpose.
Staying in the Day with you...~CC


WOG (KM) said...

Well, this is the first time I have ever responded on a blog so here goes...my blogger name is WOG (KM), can you guess what the WOG stands for? The initials in parenthesis are of course initials to my name. It's Woman of God and I'm so proud that I am one of God's "fearfully and wonderfully made" creations, meant for His Glory!!!! I am excited that I am becoming friends with CC and able to share on her blog. One of the "kind" things I am doing today is sharing a poem I wrote a number of years ago that is relevant to anyone and any situation. May it bless you as it reminds you of who God is.

His Many Blessings…..
God has them waiting, waiting just for you,
But first He wants you to accept him, love him, fear him,
But not just one day or two.
He wants us always to surrender our all,
To walk with him without fail,
Until with open arms and angels
Singing, our eternal home He calls.
Give up our insecurities, illnesses, distresses,
Allow our God to work on them,
While we focus on how He blesses.
We must let go of hurts and pains that fester in our mind,
But break free and hand them over to the Great Divine.
As Christians we will still endure trials, storms, and more,
We must not allow Satan to tempt us and be our sinful lure.
Remember all troubles and worries He will cast,
As long as we remain in His will,
Peace will always last.
Let us never lose sight of the road he wants us on,
Oh how you should fear walking off the path,
Into the dark unknown.
Our God means hope, joy, love, and peace, freedom from despair,
We will always overcome when right with Him,
For our God is always there.
Let us rejoice and look forward to God using us to share,
About himself and all his glories
To those in need of care.
He has them awaiting, waiting for us no doubt,
Many wondrous blessings
That He’d rather us not go without.
It’s our choice, they are there for us to be the taker,
Let’s not leave our Blessings behind,
By losing sight of our Maker.

Anonymous said...

Nice blog. I will keep reading.