She wrote, "I am struggling with looking back and I am sooooo hurt because each time I thought I could trust, I have found out that I couldn't, and now I really can't......I don't know how to stop." One of my dear friends I mentioned in an earlier post wrote that many years ago at the onset of her journey. I knew exactly what she meant, we shared those same threads of doubt....back then. Today we are in a "totally" different place.... Our marriages restored and we continue to put one foot in front of the other to work at this thing called ~Love. Because that's what it is, work!
If you're walking in that familiar place, and you don't know how to stop looking back, or you don't know how to trust anymore, you know exactly what my friend meant. "I am struggling with looking back"... That same overwhelming "cloud" is how "Stay In The Day" became a phrase that I heard the Lord whisper in my ear. "Stay in The Day" meant that if a thought entered my mind, it was up to me to shew it away. Concentrate on what I could, the day. I was to stay "present" in it, enjoy what I could in it, deal with my "stuff" in it, and just "be" in it. I was not to borrow anything from the past of which I could not control, and I wasn't to worry about my tomorrow, because tomorrow would take care of itself. Maybe that's what I feared the most, tomorrow would take care of itself, and I didn't know what that meant... Staying in The Day would prove to be the hardest thing I would be commissioned to learn.
Yet, step by step, moment by moment, I made it. It wasn't overnight, but I learned it. Now, just because I learned how to keep myself in the moment, didn't mean at times I still wasn't attacked in my thought life to take a journey back and forth at times. But, each time I did...I payed the price! I really came to understand the importance of staying in the "present" a few years down my path well! I wondered why I had waited so long to succeed in it. I've learned that when I do Stay In The Day...I'm giving myself and everyone around me the best gift, The PRESENT! I can do something with that! I can find something to cherish in each day, even if it's the butterfly on my flowering lantana...
Maybe your marriage wasn't restored, maybe you're at that "point of no return". You're on a different path, but the importance of your Staying in The Day is just as deeply needed. You are at a different crossroad, but you can make it! Don't stay trapped in a past that you cannot change, learn what you can from it, and stay PRESENT!
Job 11: 13-16 "Put your heart's right, reach out to God, then face the world again, firm and courageous. Then all of your troubles will fade from your memory, like floods that are past and remembered no more."
Staying in The Day Continuously with you....~CC
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