I was reminded in a church sermon today that we cannot find "Joy" in people or things. The people we love and the material possessions we long after can never fill the void within us, the void that is longing for true "Joy". Quite some time ago I remember an acquaintance that was well versed in counseling telling me that without "Joy", a person cannot find lasting contentment in anything in their life. Everything will be temporal happiness, in their job, their significant other, or whatever material possessions they are seeking after. No person or thing can fulfill a human soul like "Joy". So much of the time we can get frustrated by what we are not "getting" from people or life. There is something deep within all of us that desire real "Joy". It's just that most of us don't realize it's not something anyone or anything else can give us, with the exception of our Heavenly Father. The sermon was a great refresher for me to not confuse "Happiness" with "Joy". People that bring us happiness can sometimes disappoint us, hurt us, even leave us. If we count on those people or things for the happiness in our lives, what happens to us if we lose them, does that mean we lose our happiness and have nothing to live for? Many people feel that statement is true. Happiness comes and goes, but Joy can be forever. If there would be one thing I wish I would've learned earlier in life, it is this principle: Joy has to come from within us, no human person or thing can provide it to us. For faith based individuals like myself, I believe the day that I accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior, I was filled up supernaturally with an eternal Joy. I liked the way my Pastor encouraged us all to set the default in our minds to "Joy" like we set the default on our computers to something we want it set to. He said, "This way when life's normal ups and downs come our way, we would be reminded that we still have "Joy", no matter what". His words reminded me that when all else around me was falling apart in my marriage, I still had Joy, and I know it was what kept me going. I know it was what helped me to keep one foot in front of the other, it was the "Joy" that resided deep within my soul...no matter how weary I was. It was the Joy that kept me focused on working hard to find out what I could do to learn more about how I could change so I could contribute more to the recovery of my marriage. Like most people, I still need to be reminded of the difference between "Happiness" and "Joy". I still need to remember that just because something isn't going right at work or in one of my relationships that it means my world is falling apart. I still have my "Joy", and I will have it...forever. So, as the Pastor encouraged today, my default is set on JOY! Each time I turn on my computer, I'm going to visualize that too. Remember, no person or thing can ever be your source of Joy, you are responsible for getting your own~ It's easy to lose sight of that... I shared with you that Joy filled my life when I accepted Jesus as my Savior. It's been His continual Joy living in my heart and spirit that has kept me through all the valley's and mountain top experiences of my life. It's also this same Joy that keeps me grounded and totally content, no matter what my circumstances in life are. My "only" guarantee in this life is that HE will continue to fill me with HIS Joy. Psalm 16:11You have made known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand. Staying In The Day with HIS Joy eternally... ~CC
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