Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy New Year...been kinda busy! How bout you?

The "BEST GIFTS" under our Tree this year!

Tyler introducing his sister... Cate

December 18, 2008
This is our daughter Kim that recently delivered our very first Granddaughter:

Catherine Elizabeth (Cate)

8lbs. 11 oz weight

19 1/2 " length
I've missed spending time with you over the holidays, but this little namesake of mine took priority, as rightfully should have. Christmas has always been my most favorite time of the year, this year even more so. Cate was born on my mother's 76th birthday, and named after both grandmothers. So, she's already entered this earth and bathed in the legacy of three important women in her life.
I can't help but think about how significant it is to start the New Year off with a huge amount of "gratitude" this year. Faith, Family, & Friends are the fabric of life that will never unravel, as long as our Faith is rooted in the "right stuff"! This year, as every year, my family plants our Faith in the everlasting, one and only, J-E-S-U-S. He was, and will continue to be, the REASON for our "Christ" focused "Christ"mas every season! With the rest of the world removing the word Christmas from us in retail land, I feel even more compelled to remind myself and all that I come in contact with of the "true reason" of our CHRISTmas season!
Wishing you and yours a Belated Merry CHRISTmas and a very Happy New Year........and, oh yea, CATE & her brother Tyler "Were" the best GIFTs under our tree this year!
Looking forward to Staying In The Day in 2009 with you! ~CC


Cherdecor said...

Congratulations on that beautiful new granddaughter! Both grandchildren are so precious! What a blessings they are to you!

Happy New Year and to your family.

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year to you, too, Catherine! And to your family. Let's have lots of cups of tea and garden visits in 2009.

Kathleen Ellis said...

How precious! I knew you'd be completely "twitterpated" and absorbed in your new little granddaughter! I'm envious!
Love you!

Gone said...

Congratulations on the new grand-daughter! She's a "Keeper"!!
