Psalm 91:14-16 "If you'll hold on to me for dear life," says God, "I'll get you out of any trouble. I'll give you the best of care if you'll only get to know and trust me. Call me and I'll answer, be at your side in bad times; I'll rescue you, then throw you a party. I'll give you a long life, give you a long drink of salvation!"
As I read this scripture...I am reminded of these words, "TRUTH" shall set you free! There are many "Truths" in God's Word. Walking on any "Painful" journey sure does have a way of drawing us either closer to HIM, or further from HIM! I think that's where the "Better" or "Bitter" thing comes in to play. If we allow the "Pain" to be the catalyst to move us to a better place (Closer to HIM) than a bitter place, that's the action plan we must devise.
Photography by Carol on loan by Vonnie from her African Safari! Check out my link to her new Blog called Shikinah Art! Doesn't this photo remind you of two bitter birds?
Under the Links on this blog you will find one for Living Smart Resources. My Mentor of nearly 20 years, Devi Titus, has an audio CD I highly recommend. It's called, "From Bitter to Better". I think the first few years after our recovery began I bathed frequently in listening to both her and Dad Titus's teaching CD's. This one is specifically meant for what I'm talking about today.
Bitterness won't allow you to move forward in your recovery, it will only hold you captive. The pool of "bitterness" quicksand that will eventually swallow you up whole if you're not careful. Not only will it claim your life, but also the lives of those you love that are in close proximity.
Did I tell you that I never ever spoke ill of my husband to our children when he returned home? And I've not done so since either... My children at the time of his return were 17, 19, and 27. They told their father when he returned home that they'd forgive him the same way that he'd forgiven them all the times that they made poor choices. That is something I'll never forget. To him, our forgiveness was the beginning of his healing. The Grace we extended to him was something he'd not counted on. To be quite frank, it wasn't something we did in our own strength...I know it was a GOD thing! We knew in order for us to all heal, bitterness would never move us toward the prize we all wanted, TOTAL RESTORATION.
God being GOD knew and understood the levels of "poison" that we all stuffed here and there. Pain has a way of doing that, even sometimes when we've chosen to forgive. Little did I know that these pockets of bitterness were lying low inside of me. All of a sudden these outbursts would come from no where. I remember saying, "This isn't me". Well, guess what, it was me! That's when I knew I needed to find someone to help me understand at a deeper level how I could go from bitter to better....
If I'm thankful for one thing over the past six years, I'm thankful that my outward words to my children have never been demeaning or destructive to the person their Dad was and is to them. One of the other GOD things HE did for me. This is totally because GOD would not allow me to do this. They didn't need me adding anymore strife and division to their plate than they already had to deal with. I'm the adult.....I needed to work through my marital relationship with my husband, not my innocent adult children. They didn't need to hear about my pain, our pain. They had their own pain to deal with, and it was deep enough without my adding anymore to their baskets. We each in our own way have trudged up and down the mountains of emotions.
Today, my HOPE for you is that if Bitterness has gotten the best of you, you'll choose something BETTER.... Love yourself well by finding out how to LET GO and LET GOD teach you to leave the bitterness behind.
Until later.....Staying in the Day with you Always!
great work, Cathy! What a incredible witness of God's gift of encouragement to you. Thank you for sharing your giftedness
hey, momma coz, lovin' ya from pa! mwah!
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